Acro Naked Singularity
Howdy Stranger
Detailed Description
Have you done Revolution? This is similar but different.

Like Ninja Star this starts with a inside forward side star swing through reverse bird.

One key is that the base's receiving hand on the reverse bird rotation is facing the base's head.  This will feel weird after learning ninja-bat or ninja-star where the receiving hand is palms away. 

The flyer will now be in reverse outside side star on the foot they started on.  Their free hand will reach over their connected arm for the base's free hand.  The base's hand will receive palms away. Note a harder more elegant variation skips the second hand connection.  The original Daniel Scott video shows with the hand connection.  The Jacob and Debbie video shows it without the second hand connection.

The flyer then rolls to inside forward side star on the other foot. 

The whole thing then reverses by swinging through reverse bird in the opposite direction.
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