Acro Thigh Sandwich Washing Machine
Howdy Stranger
Detailed Description
So flowing.

Start in bird. Tick tock to inside reverse side star using only flyer hands.  Like the start of Big Lemoi base grabs flyer's foot and flyer rotates around to sitting while base places their foot in a goofy footed mono throne with their foot in the flyer's thigh crease.

Next the base passes the flyer's foot to the other hand while placing their free foot on the flyer's hip and swiveling to an outside forward side star.  This move is known as the thigh sandwich because the base has a foot on either side of the flyer's thigh during the move.

The flyer then rotates to inside reverse side star on the base's other foot.  This is the same move as the front half of rotisserie.  Base then catches the flyer's foot on their low leg. 

The next couple moves are the first couple moves mirrored on the other leg.  Rotation to mono goofy footed throne.  Thigh sandwich.  Front half rotisserie. 

Now you're back in inside reverse star where you started.  Repeat.

Note that the goofy footed mono throne may not go completely upright (vertical) since coming into it the flyer is in side star and coming out of it the flyer is in side star it's less weight shifting to not come all the way vertical.
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Acro Thigh Sandwich Washing Machine Progressions