Detailed Description
Funny story, Clifford Ashley wrote what is widely considered to be the best book on knots ever, "The Ashley Book of Knots". He observed an stopper knot on an old rope on an oyster boat. When he went home he tried to re-create the knot he saw and came up with this knot. Only later did he find out the knot he had observed was just a figure 8 that was badly worn.
The Ashley Stopper Knot is the bulkiest of the simple stopper knots, with a nice flat face in the direction of the main rope and three sided form.
However, many rock climbing guides prefer the double or triple overhand stopper knot as it is essentially half a double or triple fisherman's knot, a knot guides must learn anyway.
With all stopper knots be sure to properly tighten them so they are less likely to shake loose and always leave an adequate tail to account for slippage.
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Tie An Ashley Stopper Knot Progressions